Sphaera 3.1.4

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Altitude: ° (+75° 00' 00.00")
Azimuth: ° (270° 00' 00.00")
Quick sky sector selection Map az N, h+75° az N, h+45° az N, h+15° az N, h -15° az N, h-45° az N, h-75° az E, h+75° az E, h+45° az E, h+15° az E, h-15° az E, h-45° az E, h-75° az S, h+75° az S, h+45° az S, h+15° az S, h-15° az S, h-45° az S, h-75° az W, h+75° az W, h+45° az W, h+15° az W, h-15° az W, h-45° az W, h-75°
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Field of view ° (90° 00' 00.00")
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Time Zone: Etc/GMT, GMT (UTC+00:00)
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Observer location: , (0° 00' 00.00"N, 0° 00' 00.00"E)

RA280°RA290°RA300°RA310°RA320°RA330°dec-30°dec-20°dec-10°dec10°dec20°dec30°AZ90°EAZ120°AZ150°AZ180°SAZ210°AZ240°AZ270°WAZ300°AZ330°AZ360°AZ390°AZ420°h40°h50°h60°h70°h80°dec0°EquatoreclipticPnPsAqlCapDelEquSgeSgrSctVulM14M23M20: Trifid NebulaM8: Lagoon Nebula, Lac III.13M21M8: Lagoon Nebula, Lac III.13M16M18M17: Omega NebulaM28M69: D 613M22: Lac I.12M70: D 614M26M11: Wild Duck ClusterM54: D 624M57: Ring NebulaM56M55: D 620M71M27: Dumbbell NebulaM75M29M72M73M15: LL 40815M2: LL 41928M30M24: Sagittarius Star CloudM25Kaus BorealisAinalramiNunkiAlyaSulafatOkabAlbaldahAnserAlbireoShamTarazedAltairLibertasAlshainTerebellumAlgediAlshatDabihAldulfinRotanevSualocinAlbaliKitalphaSadalsuudBundaNashiraEnifDeneb AlgediPlutoSaturnMoon-90-75-60-45-30-150+15+30+45+60+75+90+10530°45°60°75°SNEWSWNWNESEDIRECTION OF VIEWELEVATIONAZIMUTH